The very first webpage that I did back in 1996 was about powers of ten. Back in those days. you had to settle with a table when designing the layout. Today there are YouTube and Flash so the visual experience is much better.
from the movie Powers of 10. Webbpage:
from the IMAX movie Cosmic Voyage
Friday, February 4, 2011
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Dr Quantum - Double Slit Experiment
Among the first thing you usually do when to explain quantum physics is to show the double slit experiment. It is usually considered very abstract. When Dr Quantum shows this experiment it's muck more visual.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Ruben’s tube - standing waves that makes the audience stand up
When I studied physics this experiment of standing waves was done with sawdust in a tube. Somehow, the impression probably would been even greater if I had seen it with fire...
The classic physics experiment involving sound, a tube of propane and fire. Created for Flash Forward 2006, but useful in any case where you are not allowed to have fire. I push through the tube 449 Hz then higher frequencies, then some jazz and then some rock. This is real life sound visualization.
Thanks to
The classic physics experiment involving sound, a tube of propane and fire. Created for Flash Forward 2006, but useful in any case where you are not allowed to have fire. I push through the tube 449 Hz then higher frequencies, then some jazz and then some rock. This is real life sound visualization.
Thanks to
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